
Anti-OOP Design Patterns

Anti-OOP Design Patterns

Any good programmer is familiarized with design patterns. Even not-so-good ones ever heard about singleton, strategy, decorator, observer, etc. What is not so common is to find programmers who are aware about the reasons that lead them to use such patterns. For most of us patterns are just a tool. Something that works. And we don’t even try to reason about where the problem they solve comes from. We apply them and continue coding.

But, if you dare to break the confirmism and reason about our good friends the design patterns, you might realise they are there to fight a surprising enemy: the object-oriented programming. Don’t believe me? Let’s analize some popular design patterns from this perspective.

Singleton Pattern

Simple but elegant. We use Singleton pattern to define a class that only can have one instance. In Java:

class Application extends Configurable {

  private static Application instance;

  private Application() { ... }

  public static Application getInstance() {
    if (instance == null)
      instance = new Application();
    return instance;

  // More methods here
  // ...

This code is self-descriptive. By declaring a private method we cannot create new instances outside this class. The getInstance() method uses that private constructor to return the single instance of the class in the whole system.

Right. What’s going on here? What is exactly Singleton solving? In most popular OOP languages, a class is a factory of objects. As such, you can use it to create as many objects as you want (or fit into memory). But the real-world things represented by such instances may be unique by nature. E.g., the class representing your application in a GUI library. Having more than one instance of Application would mean your program represents more than one application. And that’s a restriction of the operating system (one process, one app).

It is very clear that singleton pattern is fighting against the OOP rules. You need a single object in your system, but the language rules prevent that. You are using singleton pattern to cheat the OOP. To break its rules. Singleton is a clear example of a anti-OOP design pattern.

Is there a way to use OOP without cheating with singletons? Of course it is! It’s just a matter of having a language that accepts classes that can have only one instance. Let’s see an example in Scala.

object Application extends Configurable {
  // More methods here
  // ...

This is really simple and really elegant. In Scala, there is a special case of a class that only have one instance. It is declared with the keyword object instead of class. In this example, the identifier Application may refer to both the class and the instance. Thus the class is not an object factory any longer. We got our single instance type without cheating the language.

Observer Pattern

Another really popular pattern. Observer pattern is used to notify state changes on an object to other objects. Some example:

interface OnMouseClick {
  void onClick(Control control);

class Button extends Control {
  public void addOnClick(OnMouseClick onClick) { /* ... */ }

  // More code here
  // ...

Let’s say we have a GUI library with a Button class that represents a button UI control. The OnMouseClick interface represents an action that would be executed when a mouse click event is detected on a given control. The Button class provides a setOnClick() method to add one action to be executed when mouse click is detected. What Button does in addOnClick() is not shown, but you can assume it stores the onClick object in a private variable and will invoke it when a mouse click is detected.

In order to observe the button, we must implement OnMouseClick with our custom action. Typically using a anonymous Java class:

Button btn = new Button("Click me!");
btn.addOnClick(new OnMouseClick {
  void onClick(Control control) {
    System.out.println("You have clicked on the button!");

It’s time to think about why do we need this pattern. What we are doing here is represent pure behavior using the OnMouseClick class hierarchy. As we have seen in the example, we used an anonymous function that holds no internal state to do its job. Do we really need to declare an interface for that? And do we need to implement classes (anonymous or not) to define what to do in case of a mouse click event?

If we think about pure OOP, the answer is yes. Classes are the mechanism to represent behavior, and interfaces the way to deal with polymorphism. It may sound weird to use an interface to represent a single behavior. So it does using a class to implement it. Thus, it seems like we are fighting against OOP. We need a mechanism we lack to represent a single action, and we twist the OOP tools to represent something similar to that.

There is a much better abstraction to represent single actions in the system. As Gandalf would say: use functions fools!

type OnMouseClick = (Control) => Unit;

class Button extends Control {
  def addOnClick(onClick: OnMouseClick): Unit = { /* ... */ }

  // More code here
  // ...

In this Scala example, the observer is not represented by an interface but a function. We define OnMouseClick as an alias of any function that receives a Control instance as argument and returns no value (Unit). Since Scala functions are first-class citizens, you can pass them as argument to other functions, assign them to variables, etc.

Button btn = new Button("Click me!")
btn.addOnClick(control => println("You have clicked on the button!"))

As simple as that. Thus, observer pattern provides the means to simulate functions using objects due to the lack of the former in pure OOP. This pattern, and others that try to encapsulate pure behavior using objects (Strategy, Factory, Adapter…) are actually anti-OOP patterns.

Visitor Pattern

Our third anti-OOP pattern is not as obvious as the previous ones. Mainly because Visitor pattern is not even easy to understand. In general terms, Visitor is used to execute an algorithm over an unknown object structure. Let’s see the following example:

interface CarElementVisitor {
  void visit(Wheel wheel);
  void visit(Engine engine);
  void visit(Car car);

interface CarElement {
  void accept(CarElementVisitor visitor);

Let’s start discussing these two interfaces. CarElementVisitor represents the entity that visits all the parts of a car. Here visit means what the actual implementation decides. One visit() method is provided for each element that can be visited.

On the other hand, CarElement represents part of a car structure that will be visited, including the car itself. The accept() function must accept a visitor that will be instructed how to visit the structure. We can implement this interface as follows:

class Wheel implements CarElement {
  public void accept(CarElementVisitor visitor) {

class Engine implements CarElement {
  public void accept(CarElementVisitor visitor) {

class Car implements CarElement {
  public void accept(CarElementVisitor visitor) {
    for (CarElement elem : this.elements) {

For each single element, accept() only invokes visit() on the visitor. For Car class, it requests each subelement to accept the visitor before letting it visit itself.

Finally, we could provide an implementation for a CarVisitor, as in:

class Mechanic implements CarVisitor {
  public void visit(Wheel wheel) { /* ... */ }
  public void visit(Engine engine) { /* ... */ }
  public void visit(Car car) { /* ... */ }

Why do we need this so complicated design? Why don’t we implement accept() as:

class Car extends CarElement {
  public void accept(CarElementVisitor visitor) {
    for (CarElement elem : this.elements) {

Well, this code does not even compile. The statement into for expression tries to invoke visit() with CarElement as argument. Visitor implements visit() for Wheel, Engine, Car…, but not for CarElement. We used accept() function before to let each CarElement implementation choose the appropriate visit() implementation that works for it:

class Wheel implements CarElement {
  public void accept(CarElementVisitor visitor) {
    visitor.visit(this); // This invokes visit(Wheel)

class Engine implements CarElement {
  public void accept(CarElementVisitor visitor) {
    visitor.visit(this); // This invokes visit(Engine)

Perhaps you never heard about it, but this have a name. What we are simulating here is known as double dispatch, or more general multiple dispatch. You are familiarized with single dynamic dispatch. The actual implementation of a method is selected in runtime by the target object:

interface Greetings {
  void hello();

class Foo extends Greetings {
  public void hello() { System.out.println("Hello"); }

class Bar extends Greetings {
  public void hello() { System.out.println("Hi!"); }

Greetings g = /* ... */;

When hello() is invoked, the actual implementation is selected in base of this object (Greetings implementation). That’s single dynamic dispatch. What’s double dispatch then? The ability to choose the method implementation based on this object and also one of the arguments passed to the function. That’s what the non-compiling example above was trying to show. If Java would support double dispatch, it would be possible to invoke visit() by passing a CarElement object, and the runtime would select the appropriate implementation depending on the instance passed as argument.

Double dispatch is rarely found in mainstream OOP languages (C# has support for that using dynamic type). One more time, the Visitor pattern is a way to simulate the lack of support for double dispatch. It is another anti-OOP design pattern.

Just to mention, a more elegant way to simulate multiple dispatch is a language feature known as pattern matching. Again, Scala is a good candidate to show an example.

class Mechanic implements CarVisitor {
  def visit(elem: CarElement): Unit = {
    elem match {
      case w @ Wheel => visitWheel(w)
      case e @ Engine => visitEngine(e)
      case c @ Car => visitCar(c)

  private def visitWheel(w: Wheel): Unit = { /* ... */ }
  private def visitEngine(e: Engine): Unit = { /* ... */ }
  private def visitCar(w: Car): Unit = { /* ... */ }

Now it is possible to have our double dispatch in Car:

class Car extends CarElement {
  def accept(visitor: CarElementVisitor): Unit = {
    for (elem <- this.elements) {

So accept() method is not required for every CarElement but just Car.


Long time ago I read a question in Stack Overflow about the difference between Java and Javascript. My favorite answer was:

One is essentially a toy, designed for writing small pieces of code, and traditionally used and abused by inexperienced programmers.

The other is a scripting language for web browsers.

Compared to other programming languages, Java is a toy. And it is not a coincidence that Java is the favorite language of OOP lovers. OOP is simple as well. But insufficient in some cases. It is highly recommended to know the weakness of every tool we use in our profession. And behind the so often acclaimed OOP design patterns there is a dark side. Does it mean we should avoid OOP? Of course not! It just means OOP might be insufficient. Use design patterns to mitigate the effects of its lack of power. But be aware of that. And, of course, leave your comfort zone and explore other paradigms. Your coding skills will thank you.

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